
Final Blog - Portfolio

 Ava Farrelly   Artist Statement -  As the semester comes to an end, I want to take this opportunity to reflect on everything throughout the semester as well as the portfolio. Of all the projects we created it was hard to chose a favorite. I will say, out of the three programs we learned and used during class, my personal favorite program was InDesign. Being a photographer for the school, I have seen some of my friends us Photoshop for various things but I had never used it myself. For the portfolio, I chose colors based off of the previous project completed in this class. I waned the Portfolio to appear clean and put together, with the same fonts for the body texts throughout the work, as well as bold and capitalized titles. Overall, I am extremely happy with how the final portfolio turned out, and I think this was one of my favorite projects we did this semester.  Thank you for everything, professor. I hope you have a phenomenal summer. GO BOLTS!

Blog #19 - Business Cards

Ava Farrelly  Artist Statement:  For the final three business cards, I chose to stick to the color of blue, as blue is my favorite color. My car is a specific unique shade of blue, and this color blue is my "go-to" color for most projects. Originally, I wanted to incorporate the beach and the sunshine, in order to convey my love for the outdoors and nature. The ideas for each card came from inspiration of the original sketches, though I did make some modifications to colors and spacing. Overall, I am happy with how the cards turned out and I have to say that the cards in the middle are my favorite. I did those second out of the three and I think they came out the best. However, I did have issues removing the lines through the boxes, but in dropbox those lines do not show up. I really liked this project, as I am hoping to own my own photography business one day, and am already beginning the process of representing myself through my photography brand.     

Blog #16 - ID HW 1

 Ava Farrelly Video 1 -  Learn Adobe InDesign in 11 MINUTES! | 2023 Beginner › watch The easiest tool for me to use based on this first video will be the "fit frame" tool variations. I have already used this tool multiple times and it has been extremely helpful and so far the most used. The hardest thing for me to use will be remembering what the dimensions will be  when beginning a project. Each project has a different dimensions, so remembering the specific heights/weight, bleeds and other things will be difficult. I will be using the fitting tools the most, as there seems to be issues with cropping and scaling images moves the entirety of the page and the image. It moves everything and messes everything up. I really liked this video and it was extremely helpful as everything was extremely clear and all of the projects/instructions were given with visual examples.  Video 2 -  Get Started with 10 Beginner Tips for InDesign -

Blog #18 - Sketches of Business Cards

 Ava Farrelly 12 sketches Top Left - Original ID designs of business card sketches Bottom Left/Right - Final 12 Business Card Sketches  Artist Statement- Originally, I began to sketch out the 12 outlines of my business cards inside of InDesign. Upon realizing this was incorrect, I moved the designs onto paper, and completed all 12 with colors. For the designs, I chose various things that are positive and often attract a lot of attention, as a business often needs to do. #1 - sideways beach logo with the logo and writing on the "sand" part of the beach business card #2 - blue bubbles with dark lettering inside the bubbles explaining what needs to be said on a business card #3 - pink logo big and bright on the front to draw attention, all of the information and contacts on the back of the card, in order to remain organized, strong, and serious #4 - two different color yellows, with the logo and information in dark colors on top of the brighter yellow sections in order to "...


  Ava Farrelly - I am currently in the process of finishing multiple projects, as I have been extremely busy and not feeling well over the past few days.  Blog #15 - IDHW 1 Blog #16 - Animation Blog #19 - Business Cards  I am in the process of receiving help from a friend on the animation, as I have been struggling. I am almost done with the IDHW1.  I began doing the sketches in InDesign, as I did not realize they were to be done on paper, so I am currently transitioning the ID designs of the business cards to paper. 

Blog #17 - Postcard

 Ava Farrelly Left - Front of Post Card Right - Back of Post Card Left - Final Inspirational Image used for post card  Right - Original Image I wanted to use but did not end up using Artist Statement -  For this project on the Eclipse Postcard, I wanted to create a collage of many different eclipses in order to make something fun and different. The overall basic idea is to make the post card look realistic yet fun with an effect of a collage. The word colors match the colors of the various moons shown in the image on the background. Originally, I tried creating the moons myself with various fun colors, trying to make each one look differently. I was going to match the font colors to the various colors used in the colors behind the moons, but instead I chose to match the color to the orange used. The final version background gives a 3d effect, which I was happy with. One of the difficulties of this assignment was figuring out how to outline the text boxes in order to show ...

Blog #14 - Storyboard For Animation

 Ava Farrelly Artist statement:  For the storyboard of this animation project, I wanted to convey a meaningful message that was not going to be too difficult to create.  The general idea for this project was to show the story of life as one grows from a small baby to a fully grown running adult. Ideally, I am envisioning the transitions similar to turning the page of a book. I chose to use the idea of a baby growing into an adult ending with an outdoor run, because I think it won't be terribly difficult to create, but also give me lots of room to play around and use various tools to show the human growth from baby to adult.